Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Exercise 7-IWD2023 Jul'11

This is an individual exercise. Please apply on the notepad and send it through email to illiana@legendagroup.edu.my on the day given.

You are required to develop a website as attached below. The website will have 3 subordinate links and 1 main page. You must consider the frameset page, sidebar and topbar in order to develop this website.

Main page (main.html)
Page 1 including content 1 (page1.html): use your own content.
Page 2 and 3 including content 2 and 3 (page2.html and page3.html): use your own content.

In order to develop the website, you need to follow the step given:
  1. Create a folder and name it as exe7_iwd2023_matrixno.
  2. Create a html file to assign a frameset layout and name it as index.html. Save the file in the folder you created.
  3. Create a html file to assign topbar page and name it as topbar.html. Save the file in the folder you created.
  4. Create a html file to assign sidebar page and name it as sidebar.html. Save the file in the folder you created.
  5. Then create the main page and 3 subordinate pages for main.html, page1.html, page2.html, and page3.html. Save the file in the folder you created.
  6. You can use any images and put your own content based on your own creativity.
  7. You have to make sure that you can link the homepage and subordinate page.
  8. You must make sure that you follow the structure given by the images provided.


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